This is the third pregnancy update post I'm attempting to write. I don't like to continue saved drafts because I can never remember what my train of thought was and I can't ever continue with the flow. Taurus Man has been told not to mess with the flow, hyper dog is staring off into space, and Kitty is feeding and cleaning her babies. I'm all set. Except Taurus Man is watching a new series with The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and as much as I hate to admit it, it's pretty addicting. Must.....fight....the....power..........there. I'm all set.
My belly is definitely pregnant looking, and has been as of 22 weeks. Not only do I look pregnant from the side, but depending on what I'm wearing you can kind of tell from the front too. My fainting has gotten ridiculous. I've fainted probably 10-12 times total throughout this pregnancy, the majority of times within these past two months, especially these past few couple weeks.
Let me get all of my complaints out there:
My allergies have MUTATED. I kid you not. I sneeze upwards of 30 times each day. That's day time only, not counting nights. And I'm not exaggerating. My runny nose has led to a post nasal drip which is now a sore throat. My eyes also feel like they've been held open with scalding hot toothpicks. I guess the migraines are a given. My headaches aren't daily anymore, and when I do get migraines, it's probably once a week to two weeks.
My veins, which are normally highly visible, have also mutated into boldly colored road maps. If I looked like a freak of nature before, I don't know what I look like now. I also have new freckles, moles, and get this: I have skin tags! My kid brother has them, as well as Taurus Man, so I've seen them before, but man was I freaked out to see them on my own body. They're mostly on my breasts and the area below my armpits. They're also very small and thankfully not in places the public sees.
The colostrum has gone from a clear, sticky liquid, to a thick, cloudy, kind of milky white substance. My areolas feel extremely rough and my nipples are still incredibly sore. I can't remember the last time I wore a bra, and I can't think of any reason other than my next OB-GYN appointment for me to go through the torture of wearing one. The boobs are also increasing their toll on my back. I'm constantly in pain. Sometimes if I'm watching a show with Taurus Man, I just hold my boobs up or ask him to hold them up for me. From what I've read, they're supposed to get bigger. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Have you seen me? Even with a preggo belly, you can still see my ribs and my bones in my back. How much more weight am I supposed to carry? Has anyone ever fallen over from heavy boobs?
BRAXTON HICKS. No joke. I suspected them around four months in, but now it's definitely indisputable. It's basically a firm tightening around my belly as the uterus contracts which occasionally hurts. Also, my bladder is facing some hard times. From my last appointment, as my doc read out the results of the anomaly scan, she said that my uterus was tipped and that the baby's head was a little lower than it should be. I'm not sure if that's why I get so much pain around the area of my bladder every time I have to pee or stand up. If I'm lying down and sit up or stand up, it feels like I'm dropping a lead weight directly on my bladder. Yesterday I was in so much pain I could barely sit up or stand and Taurus Man had to carry me to the bathroom. I now have a makeshift potty in the room to use because I don't have the strength to get up and go all the way to the bathroom by myself, especially not in pain. At my next appointment I'll get that clarified. For now, I'm staying hydrated because I'm supposed to, but I no longer enjoy consuming liquids or food once I think about peeing afterwards.
My legs aren't swollen, but I have definitely gained some weight there. I think they look like tree trunks! Leg cramps, lightening crotch, and ligament pains are all very much a reality as well.
I am so tired and exhausted that I sleep through the whole night now and also take naps during the day.
Blurred vision and seeing light flecks and spots are becoming increasingly regular.
Okay, the good parts:
My nails are super strong and growing at amazing speeds.
Superbaby is healthy and quite active. Apparently, the doc says when the kicks hurt, it's because Superbaby is kicking the uterus wall and making it contract. No cause for worry, though.
I've made it this far under the circumstances, I'm now that much more confident that I can carry Superbaby to term.
Aside from needing peppersauce in everything I eat, for the past few days I've also been craving Milo. It's a nutritional drink you mix with water, milk, and sugar. I have at least three glasses a day. I'll double check with the doc to make sure that having too much won't be a problem, but as far as I'm concerned, so far, I'm prepping Superbaby with major nutrition. I still haven't craved any junk, so all I eat is actual food, day and night. Taurus Man is still trying to get me to try chocolate and other sweets, but to no avail. It still tastes nasty. Superbaby and I are surviving on actual nutrition. We have no time for discrepancies like artificial flavors and processed, sugary types of junk. *scoffs and turns up nose* Except for that green pepper mango. But that's over now. *resumes scoffing*
I've been told by Taurus Man that I seem to be "glowing". I'll go out on a limb and agree with him, but there's no actual definition for glowing, is there? I do, however, think that I look much better this trimester compared to the first trimester. I've also never felt more confident about my body. Coming from a person with every kind of issue imaginable, which needless to say includes issues about myself, that's saying A LOT. I love the way I look with my belly and every time I pass by the mirror I lift my shirt up to check myself out. Oh yeah. I'm sexy and I know it :)
I'll do us all a favor and not talk about the stand-still baby preparation plans. Back to me being sexy now. :D
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