Monday, May 6, 2013

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have good news and bad news that are directly related to one another. HOWEVER Taurus Man doesn't want to jinx the good news since it's not confirmed yet so I can't say anything (AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!) . But just so you know, the bad news is really bad. And the good news is really, really good. The bad news is like :O "OMG that's terrible!!! How could that happen? OH NO!!!" and the good news is like :O "OMG that's the best news ever for you guys!!!! Seriously?? Really?? Thank God!!!!" It's not like I'm being tortured by keeping my mouth shut and I want anyone else to be suffering and fidgeting away pining for me to shout the news from the rooftops or anything. Nope. Not at all. :)

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