Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Perfect 1st Mother's Day

I wrote this in the wee hours of this morning, hoping Taurus Man would find it and follow through. He did not actually, so I showed it to him after receiving my gift. As it turns out, Taurus Man is so incredible he didn't need the list.


2. Taurus Man did spend money, but on a keepsake Blue Mountain card (he knows they're my fave) and on a gorgeous giant slow cooker I've been eyeing for years but never prioritized enough to get (and the chicken I'm cooking up in there right now smells heavenly). He promises there's more but finally agreed to postpone things until we've covered a couple things later on (but still soon).

3. We all still felt sick, but well enough to spend the day technology free, planning for the evening we spent walking on the beach *dreamily sighs* and taking pictures. We also met a random stranger lady who hollered after us and insisted on taking numerous pictures of us, thus giving us our first pictures as a family of 3. There were many, many smiles all day and night long.

4. I took the garbage out an hour ago, something none of us have been able to do since contracting some weird sudden illness this past week. Triumph!

5-8. Thankfully, there were only two calls today. I luckily missed my mother's call this morning, and Taurus Man's boss's mother called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. My natural awkwardness made things awkward, but that was the only instance. My dad was the first person to send a text, and Taurus Man insisted that I text Taurus Girl, so I texted a few other moms, including Cancer Woman, and got back a few replies. It wasn't until I got home and finally sat down for the night about an hour ago that I checked Facebook to see Capricorn Girl's wishes as well as some wishes from some dear friends and returned the wishes. No drama, no in-laws/family mess, no explanations or apologies, no crap talking; just serenity.

9. Taurus Man had my Bon Jovi discography ready for me by the time we got home :) See why I love this man? DO YOU SEE?????

10. Jace Lightwood was too busy with Clary to visit, but I'm so smile-y and happy from this wonderful day with my amazing Taurus Man and my amazing Superboy, I really couldn't ask for more. This day was so perfectly blessed I would have never dreamt up something so good.

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